
Douglas County 4-H Project Day March 29th

Saturday, March 29, 2025Drop-in anytime from 10 a.m. – noonAmnicon Town Hall8985 E US Highway 2South Range, WI 54874 Learn about Douglas County 4-H and discover new 4-H projects! Youth will choose from stations including art, STEM, cake decorating, small animals and more taught be 4-H youth and adult volunteers. Free and open to any […]

Planning Ahead April-May 2025-Preparing for End of Life

Join us for a 7-session program to help participants understand how to prepare for the end of life for themselves or a loved one. Topics include advance directives, handling financial changes, estate planning, and arriving at decisions for the end of this life.Registration is required and space is limited. Registration is $25 (includes program materials)For […]

The Aging Mastery Program in Superior Tuesdays in April-May

As children, we’re taught how to become successful adults. By contrast, no one teaches us how to age well. We want to change that. Bring your spouse and a friend and join us for some engaging conversations. Tuesdays, April 8-May 27, 202510 a.m.-noonSuperior Public Library1530 Tower Ave. Superior, WIWorkbook, coffee and refreshments providedThis program is […]

StrongBodies Strength Training Virtual Class Winter 2025

Join us for the StrongBodies program! StrongBodies has been shown to increase strength, muscle mass and bone density. Classes are held twice weekly and include progressive resistance training, balance training and flexibility exercises. Dates: Jan. 7-March 6, 2025Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m. Questions? Contact:Stephanie Bakker 715-682-7017 Ashland,Bayfield, Iron CountiesJulie Montgomery 715-395-1427 Douglas CountyBridget […]

Resilient Co-Parenting 1st Thursday of each month in 2025!

Join us for a series of topic-specific classes for parents or caregivers raising children together while living apart. Join us for any or all of the following sessions. Classes will be held from 7-8 p.m. over Zoom on the 1st Thursday of each month in 2025! Register at go.wisc.edu/21t6cz January 2 – Families Fighting FairLearn […]

Covering Wisconsin-connecting WI residents with health insurance and programs that support health

Information About Badgercare Plus and Medicaid Renewal Covering Wisconsin is a federally certified, state-licensed navigator agency.  We are a program of Extension at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Our mission is to connect Wisconsin residents with health insurance coverage and other programs to support their health. For more information, please visit their website or call […]

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