Home » Douglas County 4-H Program » How to Enroll in 4-H
How to Enroll in 4-H
Welcome to Douglas County 4-H! Interested in Joining? Here’s How!
Enrollment for the new 4-H year will start in September. New members can enroll any time during the year.
Preferred enrollment deadline is October 1st. The annual 4-H year is October 1st-September 30th.
New Members & Families
4-H clubs are organized learning groups with a volunteer leader, a group of elected youth officers, and a membership of eager 4-H members. Members of clubs generally enroll in various project areas. The purpose of a club is to provide positive youth development opportunities, through educational programs, to meet the needs of its youth members. start with creating a new 4-H Online account. After you create your login account, you will be prompted to – Add a New Member. Then add additional family members in the same account by clicking on the Add Member button on the family member list screen. You will need to know what club you want to join when starting this account.
In Douglas County there are 5 clubs that one can join. A youth or adult should not have a difficult time finding a club…the hardest part will deciding which one to join.
- Contact the leader of the club to find out more about when meetings are held and learn a little bit more about 4-H. Ask if you can attend a meeting and see if the club is a good fit for you and your family. You’ll definitely want to check a couple of meetings out!
- Sign up for a club and projects. Signing up in projects takes place in the fall each year (usually mid-Septemeber through October). In order to be a full member, you must enroll in a club and projects.
- Go to wi.4honline.com to register.
- Follow the instructional PDF 4-H Online Family Enrollment Guide for new families/leaders, club management and project leaders.
- View the 4-H Projects that are Offered in Wisconsin.
- Click Here to Access the Code of Conduct/Behavior Expectations at 4-H Activities
4-H clubs are organized learning groups with a volunteer leader, a group of elected youth officers, and a membership of eager 4-H members. Members of clubs generally enroll in various project areas. The purpose of a club is to provide positive youth development opportunities, through educational programs, to meet the needs of its youth members. start with creating a new 4-H Online account. After you create your login account, you will be prompted to – Add a New Member. Then add additional family members in the same account by clicking on the Add Member button on the family member list screen. You will need to know what club you want to join when starting this account.
Youth Growth Within 4-H
Cloverbuds: Youth in grades K-2. Cloverbuds are enrolled solely in Cloverbud Projects
Explorers: Youth in grade 3. It is meant to allow kids to try a variety of project areas and to exhibit a variety of projects at the fair. 3rd grade Explorers can only take ONE animal project (cannot be market animals). 4-H Shooting Sports programs are available to youth from 3rd grade and eight years old through the year following high school. Shooting Sports projects include archery, air pistol, .22 pistol, muzzleloading, air rifle (.177 pellet, .177 BB), .22 rifle, .22 pistol and shotgun. 4-H youth must be 12 years of age to operate any powder-burning firearm. This includes .22 handgun or rifle, muzzleloading handgun or rifle, or shotgun. Youth in grade 3 are required to take Exploring as a project in 4HOnline.
Members: Youth in grades 4-13 can participate as regular members. Suggestion is to select one to two projects. More can be selected if youth and parents feel they can handle it.Check on project leaders for programs. If the county or club does not have leaders, the parents and youth will need to work on the project.
** Grade is determined by registration into the school district during the 4-H enrollment period. When a child exhibits at the fair, they are enrolled under the grade that they just completed, not the grade they will be entering in the Fall after the fair.
Are you interested in joining 4-H? Joining a club and getting started is easy!
Enroll online at http://wi.4honline.com
Returning Families
Start with logging in to your existing 4-H Online account on or after Sept. 7th. To re-enroll any existing adult or youth member, click on the Enroll Now link for the member you want to enroll for this next year from the list on the family member list screen. Use the email login you used last year (family email) and if you forgot the password please click the I forgot my password and a new one will be sent. If you run into trouble call the office and we will help. Do not start a new enrollment if you are an existing member. You should re-enroll with your existing account.
Forgot your username and/or password? STOP! Do not create a new account!
Username help: this was the email you used last year to login (might be the email we send notifications to), if you don’t remember, call the Extension Office (715-395-1365 and we can retrieve it for you).
Password help: hint, this was a minimum of 8 characters, with at least 1 number and 1 capitol or non-alpha character. If you don’t remember, you will need your username, and you can reset your password from the login page. You will be sent an email with a generic password to log in to your account and update your password.
The following are instructional PDFs for New Families/Leaders, Club Management and Project leaders:
- Click Here to view the 4-H Online Family Enrollment Guide
- Click Here to View the 4-H Projects that are Offered in Wisconsin
- Click Here to Access the Code of Conduct/Behavior Expectations at 4-H Activities
Other Enrollment Information –
- If you’ve been enrolled in years past and are returning – call the Extension Office to reactivate your account. We can reactivate your account and get you set up with a new email/username if needed.
- If you log in and find you have to enter in all your information – stop! Call the Office, you may have accidentally created a whole new account, and we can help.
- Forgot to sign up by November 1st? Call your club leader AND the Extension Office.
- Switching Clubs? Stop! Call the Extension Office; don’t just delete your old club and add a new one.
For more information on Douglas County 4-H & Youth Development, contact:

Katie Stenroos
4-H Program & Youth Development Educator
1313 Belknap Street, Room 107, Superior, WI 54880
Discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, creed or religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, veterans’ status, arrest or non-job or program related conviction record or qualified disability is prohibited. An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements. Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities or limitations should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please do so as early as possible prior to the program or activity so that proper arrangements can be made. In certain situations, information related to requests may be shared with staff or units necessary to help coordinate an appropriate accommodation. Call the Douglas County office at 715-395-1363.