Recipes and Canning Information

Canner Gauge Testing is Available In Our Office

Call Ellen at our office at 715-395-1363 to arrange a time to have your pressure canner gauge tested. Please bring the dial and the lid.

For more information on food preservation and safety, visit our Learning Store to download free recipes and tips.

Vinegar with 5% Acidity: It Matters

Cucumbers are in season and it’s time to make pickles! Vinegar is a key flavor component in home-preserved pickles, salsa and other acidified foods and is critical for food safety, too. For example, a USDA tested family favorite recipe for Bread and Butter Pickles includes cucumbers and onions in a brine of vinegar (5 percent) and sugar, along spices.

Why is the acidity of vinegar important? White and cider vinegars acceptable for home preserving are standardized to 5% acidity. But, increasingly, store brands of vinegar are available with 4% acidity. Be sure to read the label! If you choose a vinegar with 4% or lower acidity, it may not be strong enough to safely preserve food.
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

Resources for Answering Food Preservation & Food Safety Questions

Click here to see a PDF of this form and to click on the links

Remaking Jams and Jellies

To read more about Remaking Jams and Jellies, CLICK HERE

Play It Safe When Canning

Find safe changes and substitutions to tested canning recipes. CLICK HERE for more information.

Looking for Recipes? Check out these sites:

Iowa State University Extension

Download their Spend Smart Eat Smart FREE app from Appleā€™s App Store or Google Play.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Nutrition Education Program

Find the recipes on their website HERE.

USDA MyPlate Website

Shop Simple with MyPlate App Healthy food choices don’t have to cost a lot. Find savings in your area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods.

FoodKeeper App

The FoodKeeper helps you understand food and beverages storage. It will help you maximize the freshness and quality of items. By doing so you will be able to keep items fresh longer than if they were not stored properly. It was developed by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, with Cornell University and the Food Marketing Institute. It is also available as a mobile application for Android and Apple devices.

How to Cut Food Waste and Maintain Food Safety

From the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this guide will help you practice habits that are good for your health, your wallet, and the environment.

To arrange a workshop/training or ask a question contact:

Julie Montgomery
UW-Madison Extension Douglas County
FoodWIse Coordinator
1313 Belknap St Room 107
Superior, WI 54880

Tarah Nichols
UW-Madison Extension Douglas County
FoodWIse Educator
1313 Belknap St Room 107
Superior, WI 54880

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