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4-H Links
We hope you’ll enjoy exploring these websites for ideas for specific 4-H projects, developing your 4-H club program, or strengthening your leadership skills. Remember that some of the rules and opportunities for 4-H that you discover might differ from those of our local 4-H program. It’s also important to note that there’s a lot of information on the Internet. The content and links on the following websites may change over time, and children could potentially end up seeing something inappropriate. Please review the websites and monitor your children’s screen time so they are safe on the Internet.
The main site for 4-H in the state of Wisconsin; information for volunteers, youth, and the general public. Links to “Community Club Central” and resources for 4-H projects and afterschool programs.
National 4-H Website
An online community where 4-H youth and adults can connect, interact and work together for positive change. You can also find National 4-H curricula to download.
Shop 4-H
Purchase 4-H supplies, curriculum, awards, etc.
Extension Foundation
(pronounced “e-Xtension”)
The nation’s network of land-grant universities provides information on many topics of interest including animal science, gardening, and parenting.