Douglas County 4-H Program

4-H is the nation’s largest youth development and empowerment organization. In Wisconsin, more than 69,000 youth are involved with 4-H and other UW-Madison Division of Extension youth programs. 4-H programming aims to engage youth in activities to increase their leadership, communication and critical thinking skills. Our programs center on the 4-Hs—head, heart, hands and health. This is the foundation for everything we do. Wisconsin 4-H has over 8,500 volunteers who serve as mentors for 4-H youth. They help provide a safe, engaging place for youth to take risks, practice their independence and master new skills. Research shows there are many benefits to being involved in 4-H. 4-H youth are:

Four times more likely to contribute to their communities; Two times more likely to be civically active; Two times more likely to make healthier choices; and, Two times more likely to participate in Science, Engineering and Computer Technology programs after school
Source: Lerner, R. M., et. al. (2005). 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development. Graphic used from National 4-H Council FY 2019-2021 Strategic Plan

Wisconsin 4-H Impact Report

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For more information on Douglas County 4-H & Youth Development, contact:

Photo of Douglas County 4-H and Youth Development Educator Katie Stenroos

Katie Stenroos
4-H Program & Youth Development Educator
1313 Belknap Street, Room 107, Superior, WI 54880


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